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23/12/2024、Monday, December 23, 2024 | 20:53:00 - Welcome back, everyone, to VOV24/7 Lunchshow! Hong Phuong and Hung Nguyen are ready to spice up your midday! We’ve got a fantastic lineup today that you won’t want to miss! - Kicking things off, we have Travel Corner! We’ll be discussing how to stay safe at outdoor events during the chilly winter months. - Plus, as 2024 is coming to an end, we’ll share some prize winning food and beverage spots in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, where you can enjoy the festive season with your loved ones. All are recommended by locals! - Sounds delicious! Then, we’ll dive into Movies Corner. Have you ever noticed that quite a few Christmas movies are predictable as they share a similar concept? We’ll explore why that is and reveal five unique Christmas movie choices to add some variety to your holiday viewing! - And finally, don’t miss our Slang of the Day! We’re excited to share the Word of the Year from Dictionary.com, giving you the scoop on the latest lingo that’s making waves! HN: So, grab your lunch and stay tuned! Lunchtime just got a whole lot more interesting here on Lunchshow! People around the world welcome a peaceful Christmas Christmas atmosphere across Vietnam Christmas spirit pervades streets Feedback、Submit、var commentCount=0; var currentPage=$.attr; $.show;、jQuery.ajax { console.log; $.append;、$.attr + 1); var countshow = parseInt * 5; if{、$.css;、}、$.animate({、//scrollTop: $.offset.top }, 1000);、$.hide;、}});、}、Others VOV24/7 Lunch Show is now Beat The Rush! 09/12/2024Related News
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